Dion points out many ways a new application can leverage information without having to directly control too much of it. Read his article for an in-depth coverage. Summary:
- Be a hub of a unique data source - Create something new and useful
- Seek Collective Intelligence Out - Provide open APIs and let people run with them. "Frame it and they will come"
- Trigger Network Effects - The reward of using the app should engender more use of the app.
- Provide a Folksonomy - Allow users to interact naturally with the app. Folksonomies are natural language communication with your app.
- Create a Reverse Intelligence Filter - Give users tools that highlight the power of your app.
He asks if there is more ways to leverage. I have a few:
- Be Useful but Unobtrusive - An app should extend the way people interact with each other, with situations, with information, etc. Don't insuate your way into a user's life beyond the usefulness of your application. Cross the line and your app will be discarded.
- Open APIs - This builds on what Dion said in his #2, but I think it should be plainly stated. Open APIs encourage creative partnerships with users - even those that don't code. They create excitement to see how people will build on your platform.
- Integrate Don't Recreate - Users put time into whatever app they use and get App-fatigue if they have to change often. If other apps are similar to yours, shave some money and just extend what they've done. Work with their APIs and extend out. You may find that you can integrate you app with several others - building success from the popularity of the other applications.
- Don't Hold Information Hostage - If your system provides people with impediments to using their information - even if it is information they've never had before - they'll be looking for alternatives and jump ship when able.
Those are my four. Anyone else?
T: Web 2.0