Ray Ozzie has apparently done the impossible. He took an idea from nothing to implementation in one month at Microsoft. But that's not the important thing he did.
Ray is continuing his long and thankless quest to get people to understand that they have value. Our information is a measure of that value. The information we generate is the currency used in our social, professional, and other transactions.
He wanted a rapid way to share small amounts of information quickly with people located where-ever they might be. In this way, Ray is expanding the conversation by expanding the number of artifacts that can lend themselves to the conversation. He is expanding the raw material.
At the same time, companies like Six Apart are jumping to expand the scope of the conversation. Scoble has tossed out his Macaroni and Cheese book which details how professionals employ conversation to expand understanding, appreciation and professional reach. People are beginning to grasp the fact that interacting with other people is more important than hiding from them.
In this way, the forums of the conversation are expanding. The culture of conversation is expanding. The artifacts of the conversation are expanding.
We are moving beyond push-blogging to actually sharing information. It's beyond pull as well. The read write web may well be the push pull web ... and all points in between.
Photo: Anna Kirsten Dickie
Technorati Tags: ozzie, microsoft, blogging, conversation, web 2.0, naked conversations, typepad