Newscorp (Fox / Rupert Murdoch) bought MySpace for a half billion dollars. Now the founder of MySpace is saying he got ripped off.
What's funny is Brad Greenspan (the founder) doesn't seem to realize that MySpace is the payoff on a crap shoot. The success of MySpace has nothing to do with the ingenuity of building MySpace and everything to do with Friendster. Friendster changes their internal community rules and took the fun out of the system for the kids that were using it.
MySpace happened to be languishing nearby and picked up the movement. Then it got momentum.
No one will tell you that MySpace has a great layout, good applications or even works particularly well. It has momentum and that made all the difference.
MySpace had about as much control over that moment as does a pachinko ball have a choice of where it flies.
Brad Greenspan is a lucky bastard and a bad winner.
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