Michael Arrington is upset because people don't all trust him. I am on record as calling Michael Arrington a kool-aid drinker. This doesn't mean I don't trust or like Mike, it means I see him as a hyper-enthusiast and read his comments accordingly.
And I read his comments nearly every day.
Michael's post talks about the differences in conflicts of interest between TechCrunch and other publications. I'm not sure this is the right way to handle this.
Michael Arrington is a commentator. He is not a journalist. As a commentator, he can write about what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants.
Michael Arrington is my favorite kool-aide drinker. I wouldn't trade him for a box of Steve Jobses. But he is biased, he does answer to what is foremost on his plate, and he blogs accordingly. When I say biased, I don't mean he lies or distorts - but I do mean that he has a definite focus and that focus impacts what he writes.
So, to any press who wants to write about Michael's lack of objectivity or whatever - keep wasting your ink!
Written with Windows Live Writer at the Magnolia Neighborhood Tully's Coffee in Seattle.