Okay, everyone loves Wikipedia. But I am always amazed at how it is an integrated component in normal on-line conversation. "I heard once that ..." is now dead for conversation. Wikipedia is an instant backup for everything.
Today I had two simultaneous conversations one which involves relative sizes of urban areas and another which involved a tuna melt. An active NDA means I can't show you the conversation about the urban areas, but I am under no legal restrictions in showing you the tuna melt conversation:
[13:37] rowdenw7: doesn't "tuna melt" by definition have to have... something... melted?
[13:40] OurFounder: (tuna) (melt)
[13:40] OurFounder: well, it doesn't have an emoticon[13:41] rowdenw7: mmm-hmm
[13:41] OurFounder: But, yes, it does. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuna_melt
William's dissatisfaction with his tuna melt has been backed up by wikipedia. As I was supplying William with the Tuna Melt entry on wikipedia, so too was a person in another chat window supplying me with this one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Largest_urban_areas_of_the_United_States.
It was all natural. As if conversation has always been that way.
Blogged at Gray Hill Harbor Offices in Seattle using Windows Live Writer