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11 December 2007


Tom Humbarger

Other than equating Twitter "noise" with "muck and feces", I thought this was a great post!

I was one of those who joined Jeremiah's Twitter followers today as a result of his post.


Edward Vielmetti

I have shaken Brian Kerr's hand, so we have a transitive handshake going.

Twitter is awesome for figuring out who is bored enough to take a phone call RIGHT NOW because obviously they are interruptable enough to talk to if they are twittering.


I'm so fascinated by all the posts on various blogs talking about the 'noise' or 'muck' or whatever on twitter. I like this post because you hit the nail on the head about what makes twitter such a valuable resource. Interesting-ness, and usefulness, is so subjective! the expression 'one man's trash is another man's treasure' is apt for twitter because a conversation that might be useful for me and my business may not be useful for you and yours. But it's great to have the choice!

Jim Benson

Tom .. if you are a fish or a plant, muck and feces are where it's at baby! One man's tweet is another fish's muck.

Ed .. I think you are right. However, one thing I like about Twitter is, even when doing something else, I can do a quick update.

Jim Benson

Trula .. heh, we crossed posts but seem to be in full agreement!

Jim Spencer

Jeremy's subscriber list grew 5%. I wonder whether he considers that the value of his network grew more or less than that number? I suspect more. However, there will be more gravel to sort while finding the gold.

I have experienced speaking with someone face to face only to learn later in the conversation that we had exchanged tweets for weeks. Kinda cool.

The point is you do need to use Twitter, round up some followers, start a conversation, before you can evaluate it or pass judgment.

Jim Benson

Jim .. it sometimes seems like people are expecting an instant conclusion to a conversation. They try a tool for a few minutes and, if not immediate results, then it is crap. This is understandable, people are filtering.

You are right, you have to participate in a conversation before you know if the tool is worthwhile. Conversations take time and are rather unique in twitter. What do you Direct Message? What do you provide to the group?

John Furrier

Great post...the chatter is the best part of twitter...

Jim Benson

John - Thanks! And good luck with the new blog(s)!

Jim Spencer

I dm answers to specific questions so that they are retained past the public time line expiration and easily viewed on the Replies tab.

I don't have a theme for what I provide for the group, but hopefully it is a lot more valuable than what I ate.

You would be amused to read about my first engagements with Twitter on my blog, esp. this article which kind of starts it all http://www.jbspartners.com/blog/new-media/what-is-twitter

It has taken time, persuasion and experience to bring me around.

The biggest benefits of Twitter have been

1) Links to sites and blogs I value and would not have found myself

2) Reconnected with an old family friend

3) Made a bunch of new local friends that attend the Social Media events around Boston.

How has Twitter benefited you?

Laurel Papworth

oooh that's me on tweet scan. w00t! Go Silkcharm!

Twitter for me:
Broadcast testimonials about myself (I give an update e.g "gone to loo").
Broadcast discoverability and filtering of an external site (not myself) (example: hey guys go and see tinyurl.com etc).
Few to Few conversation - I message someone directly but publicly. They respond. (e.g. @silkcharm you are an idiot).

The discoverability of friends is a given in social networks no? As is private one to one messaging...

Chris Webb


Awesome post! Thanks for expanding this conversation, and for the hat tip.

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